How To Create an Amazing Cinematic Photo Slideshow in After Effects


Creating an Amazing Cinematic Photo Slideshow with After Effects

If you don't want to make this yourself, you can find the easy-to-use template here.

In this video, we'll guide you through the process of creating a cinematic photo slideshow using Adobe After Effects. This tutorial will help you craft a visually stunning slideshow that elevates your images to a cinematic level.

**Step 1: Prepare Your Assets**
Start by gathering the images you want to use and a glass texture, which you can easily find online. You may also opt to use stock images that are available for download.

**Step 2: Set Up Your Composition**
Open Adobe After Effects and create a new full HD composition. Drag your images into the composition and scale them down until they fit the frame. Feel free to adjust the images as needed to enhance their appearance.

**Step 3: Create a Null Object for Camera Control**
Create a new null object to control your camera. Link your camera to the null object and place it on your top layer. This setup allows you to control the 3D layer and camera movements.

**Step 4: Add 3D Effects**
Convert your images into 3D layers to add depth to your slideshow. Incorporate 3D objects into your scene to enhance the visual impact.

To learn more about animating your slideshow and adding cinematic effects, check out the full video tutorial.