Trippy Glitch Projection Effect in After Effects Tutorial

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Creating a Trippy 3D Glitch Projection Effect with After Effects

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a trippy 3D glitch projection effect using Adobe After Effects. Follow these steps to achieve this unique visual effect.

**Step 1: Prepare Your Footage**
  1. Open Adobe After Effects and create a new project.
  2. Drag your footage into a new composition. You can use your own footage or download the footage used in this tutorial to follow along.

**Step 2: Adjust the Resolution**
  1. Use the resolution tool to change the sharpness of your footage. This will help in achieving a clearer effect when applying the glitch.

**Step 3: Track Your Camera**
  1. Go to the **Tracker** panel and select **Track Camera**.
  2. In the advanced settings, choose **Detailed Analysis** to get a deeper track of your shot. This will provide a more accurate result.
  3. After the analysis, you will see a bunch of track points represented by dots. These track points are where your effects will be applied.

**Step 4: Create and Apply the Glitch Effect**
  1. Create a new solid layer by going to **Layer** > **New** > **Solid**. Name it "Glitch Effect".
  2. Apply the **Fractal Noise** effect to the solid layer by going to **Effect** > **Noise & Grain** > **Fractal Noise**.
  3. Adjust the **Contrast** and **Brightness** settings to create a glitchy texture.
  4. Apply the **Displacement Map** effect to the footage layer by going to **Effect** > **Distort** > **Displacement Map**.
  5. Set the **Displacement Map Layer** to the "Glitch Effect" layer and adjust the **Horizontal Displacement** and **Vertical Displacement** settings to create the glitch effect.

**Step 5: Integrate the 3D Glitch Effect**
  1. Create a new adjustment layer by going to **Layer** > **New** > **Adjustment Layer**. Name it "3D Glitch Effect".
  2. Apply the **3D Camera Tracker** effect to the adjustment layer by going to **Effect** > **Perspective** > **3D Camera Tracker**.
  3. In the **Effect Controls** panel, click on the **Create Camera** button to add a 3D camera to your composition.
  4. Adjust the settings of the 3D camera to match the movement of your footage. This will integrate the glitch effect into the 3D space of your shot.

**Step 6: Fine-Tune and Add Details**
  1. Adjust the settings of the glitch effect and 3D camera to achieve the desired look.
  2. Add additional effects such as **Glow**, **Color Correction**, and **Motion Blur** to enhance the overall effect.

**Step 7: Final Adjustments and Rendering**
  1. Review your composition and make any final adjustments to the effects and overall look.
  2. Once satisfied, render and export your composition by going to **Composition** > **Add to Render Queue**. Choose the appropriate settings for your final output.

By following these steps, you can create a trippy 3D glitch projection effect in Adobe After Effects. For a detailed, step-by-step guide, watch the full video tutorial.